The canner: I only use a hot water bath canner. I do not use a pressure canner. What does this mean? It means that I only can foods that are high in acidity. Foods that are low in acidity require a pressure canner. In a hot water bath canner, the high is transferred to the product by the boiling water which must completely surround the jars and 2 piece caps. A temp of 212 F is reached and must be maintained for the time in the recipe. This destroys molds, yeasts and bacteria and also inactivevates enzymes. I can pickles, jellies, relishes and tomato based products using the hot water bath canner. I do not can green beans, corn or peas, which require a pressure canner.
Salts - There are so many salts to choose from. When canning, you only want to use canning salt, table salt has additives which may turn your canning brown.
Jars - Only use jars that are sterilized. I wash and sanitize my jars in the dishwasher.
Vinegars - If a recipe calls for either white vinegar or cider vinegar, use the vinegar that the recipes states. If a recipe calls for vinegar, you may use either one.
Canning Utensils - Bubble remover, funnel, jar lifter and lid wand
- Bubble remover - Use this tool before putting lids on jars to remove any air bubbles
- Funnel - Use this tool to aid in putting product in jar
- Jar Lifter - Use this tool to remove jars from hot water canner after processing is complete.
- Lid Wand - Use this tool to remove lids from the hot water that is used to sterilize.
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