
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Carver County Fair

Tomorrow is the start of the 2010 Carver County Fair.  Growing up, I showed pigs at the Clay County Fair as a 4-H project.  I occasionally would enter some baking or a craft project, but my main focus was hogs.  After living in big cities for 15 years, I moved to a small town in Minnesota, where the county fair is held.  I felt compelled to again start enter things in the fair, but I live in a townhouse, so pigs are out of the question.  That is when I decided to start entering my canning in the fair.  I have been doing it for the last 6 or so years.  This year, in addition to my canning, I am entering baking.  I also have 2 friends who are entering different baking, canning and vegetables in the fair for the 1st time.  My friend, Ashley, is entering some of the vegetables that she has grown in her huge garden.  She is entering the largest zucchini, the most unique vegetable (which she thinks is a combo zucchini/squash/gourd that she found growing in her compost pile.  It looks interesting), strawberry jam, zucchini relish, and zucchini bread.  Krista entered banana bread.  Krista used the recipe from a good friend Lee at work.  Lee thinks that she has the best banana bread, but I think that I have the best banana bread.  Krista entered it, so that either Lee or I can be declared the Banana Bread Queen (I really hope it is me, sorry Krista and Lee).
I entered Jalapeno Jam, Bean Pickles, Beet Pickles, Chow Chow, Green Tomato Relish, Zucchini Relish, Green Tomato Salsa, Stewed Tomatoes, Blueberry Jam, Rhubarb Jam, Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam, Apple Jelly, Grape Jelly, Mint Jelly, Banana Bread, Zucchini Bread and Zucchini Cake.  Some of the recipes are already on the blog, but if there is a recipe that you would like posted that is not, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so excited to see how we do!!! All these entries, one of us is bound to win something!
